Gift cards unrescued, dreams becoming reality, and sharp ways to analyze the Disney Vacation Club resale market. Thanks for listening!
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Smartphone updates, magic doors, and a bunch of great tips we received following our previous discussion of rental car strategy. Thanks for listening!
To read show notes or leave us a voice message, please visit our blog at
Twitter/Instagram/Periscope @backsideofmagic
Ride vehicle resets, a listener challenges us to budget a Walt Disney World vacation for a cost-conscious family of six, and Rope Drop [dot] Net dials up the fancy SpeakPipe widget. Thanks for listening!
To read show notes or leave us a voice message, please visit our blog at
Twitter/Instagram/Periscope @backsideofmagic
Beverage stands, cleared history, and reporting on the goods & bads from a recent family trip to Walt Disney World. Thanks for listening!
To read show notes or leave us a voice message, please visit our blog at
Twitter/Instagram/Periscope @backsideofmagic
A bit of in-park audio from our trip to Walt Disney World, plated and garnished on a non-Tuesday. Thanks for listening!
To read show notes or leave us a voice message, please visit our blog at
Twitter/Instagram/Periscope @backsideofmagic